Sabado, Pebrero 2, 2013


              As I'm sitting beside of a wall and near to fell asleep, I'm wondering what is my favorite gadget and why? A question that needs an appropriate answer just like a beauty queen in a beauty contest. I just got to think, think and think until I found out and that is mobile phone although I have two mobile phones, my Nokia 1280 is my favorite phone than to my a818 My Phone Duo. Even if I have the look sossy one I still love my Nokia 1280 because it is a friendly phone where you can type through its keypad that is soft. Aside from it, it is not prone when it come to bad guys that work as a gambler. The thing that I most wanted about this phone, it has a flashlight which we can use for an emergency. My Nokia phone is already two years and I still remember why it became my phone.
                  My mobile phone is already two years and I still remember why it became my phone. My mobile phone three years ago got damaged so my brother gave it to me since he has new one which is the same unit and color as mine before. But the best gift that I ever had is that when my father gave me my latest phone which is the a818 My Phone Duo. As he gave it to me, we made an agreement and made a promise.

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